
Rest, we work for you!

+48 94 314 7001

What we can offer for you?

  • sale and delivery of liquefied gas LNG
  • design and construction of LNG stationary installations and mobile type LNG stations BLUE BOX in a different financing formula
  • design and construction of peak LNG storage facilities
  • design and construction of LNG production installations in the liquefaction process up to 20 tons / day
  • delivery and construction of refueling stations for LNG-powered trucks
  • design and construction of cogeneration systems based on reciprocating gas engines up to 10 MW
  • energetic audit possibilities of optimizing supply sources and proposing economical and ecological solutions
  • we offer warranty and post-warranty service for devices
  • we provide constant service and supervision over the systems

Comprehensively Turnkey

LNG Deliveries, Regasification Units, Refueling, Gas Cogeneration, Design, Construction and Service

LNG Deliveries

We offer an LNG natural gas supply program, optimized to meet customer needs. Fixed price, indexed price, mixed offer and more ...

Mobile LNG Stations

We design and build small and large LNG regasification stations. Our patented BLUE BOX® modules are ready immediately ...

Kogeneracja/Trigeneracja gazowa

From audit, through preparation of a feasibility study, to the delivery of devices and their assembly. Cogeneration based on both gas turbines and reciprocating engines ...

Refuelling LNG Stations

We make LNG refueling stations for the organization of truck transport, partly with our own technology, using solutions from renowned companies ...

Construction and Service

We constantly monitor our installations, provide warranty and post-warranty service as well as many other gas engineering services ...

Nasi najwięksi klienci:

Zakres świadczonych usług:

Dostawa gazu LNG

Check our offer. We are able to provide competitive prices on the LNG market. We work with reputable distributors.

Audit and profitability study

It's time to end the coal era and switch to modern solutions limiting CO2 emissions and improving the company's energy efficiency. Blue Projekt will prepare an energy audit, present possible conversion solutions and profitability analysis 

Ready made Blue Box® modules

Blue Box® is a patented technology of the mobile LNG regasification module. Autonomous, compact, mobile regasification module with a storage capacity of 10 m3 and 20 m3 and a capacity of 100-300 m3 / h

Kogeneracja/Trigeneracja gazowa

Realizujemy projekty generacji energii cieplnej i elektrycznej w oparciu o tłokowe silniki gazowe Jenbaher do 9MW oraz turbiny gazowe Kapston 200 kW

Refuelling LNG Stations

We design and build LNG refueling stations for transport bases


Our design team will prepare a solution tailored to your needs. We will design, obtain permits and approvals, carry out technical acceptance and provide approvals

Equipment delivery and construction

We make our own devices with an automation system. We provide complete solutions for all kinds of liquefied LNG applications


Our service groups supervise the installation works, ensure ongoing service and continuity of work. We can supervise the operation of our own and entrusted devices.

Completed projects

Examples of our projects